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Former Guild President Omolora Wilson Crowned Miss St. Elizabeth Festival Queen 2024

Kingston, Jamaica: Omolora Wilson, the outgoing Guild President of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, has added another accolade to her impressive resume by being crowned Miss St. Elizabeth Festival Queen 2024. The coronation, held on June 8, 2024 at the St. Elizabeth Technical High School in Santa Cruz, saw Wilson emerge as the crowd favorite and a beacon of inspiration.

Representing Miss Darren’s Food Palace & Caterers, Wilson aims to make history as she strives to become the second Miss St. Elizabeth to win the national Miss Jamaica Festival Queen title since Dainalyn Swaby's victory in 2017. The 24-year-old Rastafarian from New Market is pursuing a master’s degree in Marketing and Data Analysis at UWI Mona, merging academic excellence with advocacy for body positivity and the rights of women and children.

Reflecting on her triumph, Wilson said, “During my time as Guild President, I made history at UWI by being the first woman to be elected for two consecutive terms, in 2022/2023 and 2023/2024—a milestone last reached almost 50 years ago. Being Miss St. Elizabeth Festival Queen opens a new door for me to inspire young women in my community to redefine what it means to be a queen…This title is revolutionary, reminding every young lady that there is no limit to the potential of a Jamaican woman.”

Her community project, "Signed Seal Jamaica," aims to introduce sign language into local schools, fostering inclusivity and cultural respect. "This project aims to make our culture inclusive for all, promoting respect and understanding through diverse forms of communication," Wilson explained.

Wilson’s mother, Andrea Stewart Wilson, expressed immense pride in her daughter’s achievements: “This crowning moment is especially significant because she represents the parish of her birth. At UWI, she represented the school, but here she represents her parents, her community, and everyone rallying behind her.”

The coronation event also crowned Kevena Rowe (Miss Windross Tours) as the first runner-up and Mackala Chambers (Miss Dunrich Cycles) as the second runner-up. Special awards were given to Jonoya Whinstanley (Miss for Most Congenial, Kevena Rowe for Most Active in the Community and Most Culturally Aware, and Omolora Wilson for Most Poised, Most Popular on Social Media, and Best Performance.

A group of UWI students journeyed from Kingston to Santa Cruz to show their support for Wilson at the event. Donrick Dixon, one of the students, expressed their shared excitement: "We recognize her leadership qualities and her principles. It was important for us to be here and offer her the unwavering support she rightfully deserves."

As she prepares for the national competition, Omolora Wilson carries the hopes and pride of St. Elizabeth, embodying a blend of intellect, advocacy, and cultural pride. Her journey from Guild President to Festival Queen underscores her dedication to leadership and community service, inspiring many along the way.

Upcoming Shows

The nine remaining parishes are scheduled to crown their Queens by the end of June ahead of the Grand National Coronation on August 3, 2024, in Kingston.

Portland, Clarendon, and Manchester are next in line. Portland and Clarendon’s Coronations are both set for Saturday, June 15, 2024, starting at 8:00 p.m. The show in Portland will be held at the Port Antonio High School Auditorium, Port Antonio, while Clarendon’s event will take place at Glenmuir High School Auditorium, May Pen. Meanwhile, Manchester’s coronation is scheduled for Sunday, June 16, 2024, at the Belair High School Auditorium, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The shows are free and open to the public.

This year's competition theme is "The Jamaican Woman: Creativity beyond Boundaries."